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Welcome to 2025!

Another year is upon us which means a new president has taken the reins of MFCP. Most of you do know me as a familiar face within the organization. For those of you that do not know me, I hope we can become acquaintances within 2025. I am excited for the new year and ready to see what 2025 has in store for our industry and publications.

As all of us know our industry is constantly changing. I am a solid believer that without change we wouldn’t be where we are today. However, change does get my heart beating faster and put some fear into my thoughts.

Being a member of MFCP has eliminated some of my fears of change. I know as an organization, MFCP has worked hard to offer member benefits that allow us as publishers to change without the fear of doing it all alone.

Have you utilized all of the benefits MFCP offers? Are you holding back your publication due to not embracing change?

"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done." -- Thomas Jefferson

Online training has been a huge factor for my organization. Obviously COVID made us face many changes, but a large positive was being forced to use programs that utilized online meetings. MFCP offered several webinars in 2024 for sales and graphics. These were 60-minute webinars from which any organization can benefit. Did you attend any of these webinars or even better have your staff attend them?

I just received the email from Circulation Verification Council that our audit numbers are due for the fourth quarter. CVC has been an amazing partner for MFCP. Audits are used by several publishers and are extremely beneficial. Have you completed an audit with CVC?

MFCP partnered with iPromote in 2024. Digital advertising no longer needs to be a fear. This program walks you through creating an online campaign. If you haven’t brought your publication and clients into the digital world, now is the time. If you aren’t willing to do it, someone else is already showing your clients the power of digital.

These are just a small fraction of what MFCP offers to you as members. I’ve seen the power of this organization’s benefits for our industry countless times. If we stick together, positive change will happen.

We are at the beginning of 2025. Now more than ever we need to step out of our boxes and embrace change. We need to look for more ways to help our publications thrive. What that might be … we shall wait and see what great minds come up with in 2025.
